Princeton Art Museum

Master of the Tiburtine Sibyl Princeton
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English: Zhao Mengfu Mind Landscape of Xie You...
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English: Zhao Mengfu Letter to Zhongfeng Mingb...
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English: Zhao Mengfu Record of the Miaoyan Mon...
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English: Andrea di Bartolo. Madonna and Child....
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The Four Evangelists// Princeton Art Museum
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EspaƱol: AnunciaciĆ³n, Princeton University Art...
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Princeton University Art Museum (McCormick Hal...
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Princeton Art Museum, Princeton, New Jersey
Image by Bogdan Migulski via Flickr
72,000 works of art. The collections include African art, American art, Islamic and Ancient art, Asian art, Contemporary art, European art, Prints and Drawings, and Photography. Artists represented include: Fra Angelico, Goya, Courbet, Monet, Manet, Redon, Van Gogh, Cezanne, Toulouse-Lautrec, Modigliani and Soutine. Princeton.

Princeton Art Museum, Princeton, New Jersey
Image by Bogdan Migulski via Flickr

Space Farms Zoo and Museum

Goliath - World's Largest Bear
Image by mjohnso via Flickr
This may be the most eclectic attraction in New Jersey. This combination zoo and museum was founded in 1927. It has 100 species of animals—including tigers, lions, badgers, bears, bobcats, deer, elk, foxes, goats, jaguars, hyenas, kangaroos, buffalo, lemurs, leopards, llamas, monkeys, snakes, wolves and yaks. The largest private collection of North American wildlife in the world. Visit the famous stuffed remains of the Guiness Book of World Records' "largest bear in the world," Goliath. Eleven museum buildings house 50 antique cars and motorcycles, farm implements, early American tools, dolls, toys, clocks, tractors and American Indian artifacts can be seen in the multiple little museums on the property. Also, Space Farms has the second largest privately owned collection of antique firearms.

Crystal Springs Resort

Minerals Resort and Spa. Grand Cascades Lodge. Also, there is The Biosphere, an indoor pool complex with an underground aquarium, water slide, vortex pools and caves, and tropical foliage. There are seven golf courses including Ballyowen. Latour is a four-star restaurant with spectacular views of the surrounding mountains. The restaurant’s wine cellar has a tasting room with two walls of arched viewing windows and a wine storage vault with more than 60,000 bottles. Vernon.

New Jersey Performing Arts Center

New Jersey Performing Arts Center
Image by djcalpone via Flickr
English: Looking northwest at New Jersey Perfo...
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The New Jersey Performing Arts Center
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Prudential Hall (2,750-seats and the largest of the three NJPAC venues) has been named "one of the world's greatest concert halls" and "the nation's most glamorous theater." Victoria Theater (514-seats) and the intimate Chase Room also offer cultural entertainment opportunities. Newark.

Monmouth Battlefield State Park

Raritan Bay, New Jersey

The Meadowlands, New Jersey


Big List of In-Season Produce in New Jersey

Fruits & Berries Early Most Active Late
Apples July 15 Sept. 1 - Oct. 25 Oct. 31
Blackberries July 10 July 15 - July 30 Aug. 10
Blueberries June 20 July 5 - Aug. 10 Aug. 15
Cherries June 10 June 10 - June 25 June 25
Cranberries Sept. 20 Oct. 1 - Nov. 1 Nov. 10
Grapes Aug. 25 Sept. 10 - Sept. 20 Sept. 30
Peaches, Nectarines July 5 July 20 - Sept. 1 Sept. 15
Pears Aug. 1 Aug 10. - Aug 31 Sept. 10
Plums July 1 July 15 - Aug. 15 Sept. 1
Red Raspberries
   Traditional July 1 July 5 - July 21 Aug. 1
   Fall Bearing** Aug. 15 Sept. 1 - Sept 20 Oct. 15
Strawberries May 20 June 1 - June 10 June 25

Vegetables Early Most Active Late
Asparagus Apr. 23 May 1 - May 30 June 25
Beets June 1 July 1 - Oct. 31 Nov. 30
Broccoli June 20 July 1 - Oct. 31 Nov. 1
Cabbage June 1 June 10 - Oct. 31 Nov. 15
Cauliflower Sept. 1 Oct. 5 - Nov. 20 Dec. 5
Collards May 15 Aug. 20 - Oct. 31 Nov. 20
Cucumbers June 25 July 5 - Aug. 15 Sept. 15
Eggplant** July 10 July 20 - Sept. 30 Oct. 15
   Late Spring May 15 May 20 - July 15 Aug. 31
   Early Fall Sept. 1 Sept 15. - Nov. 15 Nov. 30
Lima Beans July 10 July 15 - Aug. 31 Oct. 31
Okra** July 15 Aug. 15 - Sept. 15 Oct. 15
Onions June 25 June 25 - July 31 Sept. 30
Peas May 20 June 15 - June 25 July 5
Peppers July 5 July 15 - Oct. 31 Nov. 5
Potatoes July 10 July 20 - Sept. 30 Oct. 15
Pumpkins Sept. 15 Oct. 1 - Oct. 15 Oct. 31
Snap Beans June 10 June 20 - July 20 Aug. 31
Squash June 15 June 25 - Sept. 1 Sept. 30
Spinach April 15 May 5 - June 25 June 30
Sweet Corn July 1 July 5 - Aug. 31 Sept. 25
Tomatoes** July 5 July 10 - Sept. 15 Oct. 15

Other Early Most Active Late
Everlastings, Flowers, Herbs
July 1 July 15 - Sept. 15 Oct. 1
Source: Jersey Fresh


Newark Cathedral Basilica

Viewed from Branch Brook Park with the famous cherry blossoms.


Shark River Park

Hiking the Black Diamond TrailImage by tedkerwin via FlickrTana and IanImage by tedkerwin via FlickrIan and Tana at the Shark River Park pondImage by tedkerwin via FlickrShark RiverImage by tedkerwin via FlickrMonmouth County Park System - Shark River ParkImage by OurMonmouth via Flickrdigital camera 023Image by jisanski via Flickrdigital camera 034Image by jisanski via Flickrdigital camera 019Image by jisanski via Flickrdigital camera 026Image by jisanski via Flickrdigital camera 032Image by jisanski via Flickrdigital camera 021Image by jisanski via Flickrdigital camera 020Image by jisanski via FlickrBridge Loop - Shark River ParkImage by OurMonmouth via FlickrShark River Park - TrailImage by OurMonmouth via FlickrShark River Park - FieldImage by OurMonmouth via FlickrShark River Park - LakeImage by OurMonmouth via FlickrMonmouth County has a great county park system, and the first park in this system was Shark River Park, established in 1960 from extra land left over from the construction of the Garden State Parkway. It is 957 acres in size and is home to several recreational activities such as fishing, hiking, cross country skiing and ice skating. The skating takes place on the pond, which is also home to largemouth bass, catfish, sunfish, yellow perch, shiners and black crappie. And the actual Shark River which gives the park its name is stocked with trout. By the way, check to see if conditions are right for skating on the pond, or you may die. There are also 9 miles of trails, including Bridge Loop (0.4 miles), Cedar Loop (1.2 miles), Hidden Creek Trail (2 miles), Pine Hills (1.4 miles), Shark River Run (2.4 miles) and the short but challenging 1 mile River's Edge Trail, which follows Shark River along its north bank. One of my fondest memories is walking around with my father trying to see if I could see the Glendora Reservoir which borders the park. I wound up in a dense jungle of vegetation and pressed up against a chain-link fence that separated us from our desired destination. No luck getting to the reservoir, but when we finally emerged from the thicket, we were covered with an incredible variety of insects that really creeped me out. I believe some of them were ticks, but we never wound up getting the dreaded Lyme Disease. Neptune, Wall.